Month: February 2010
A simple parallel: does the Washington diocese’s charities employ any people who have been civilly divorced and are now re-married under DC law? If so, how are these individuals less offensive to…
For the record: find -exec wins. That is all.
The Mariana Trench To Scale [Pic]. It`s the deepest part of the world`s ocean and the lowest elevation of the surface of the Earth. Yeah, it`s that deep.
Shared by V These are all very disturbing. Migraines can cause reversal of vision phenomenon when a person sees everything upside down. In such cases, after migraine attack stops normal vision…
Shared by V I’m all for more choice on the iPhone, but I can’t see myself using this. How this client-server system works is that when you request a Web page in Opera Mini, the app sends the URL…
We’re going to live 20 minutes from a curling club!