I’ve been trying to get back into the swing of things since the election, and it’s been tough. I’m behind on the news, and having trouble catching up. I know what I want to do next, it’s just a matter of making some phonecalls, budgetting time, and getting involved.
That’s not really the breaking news, though. Actually, I guess the breaking news isn’t really breaking, either: Well, to my reading audience who doesn’t really see me on a regular basis, I have (wait for it)… met a girl! Without gushing too much, she’s wonderful. She makes me smile. She makes me laugh. And her direction sense is about on par with mine.
So, if I seem to be walking around with a dopey grin on my face? She would be why.
And, if, in the space of this blog, I start referring to her as EEEEEEE!!, well, blame Stanek and the fact that I probably sounded like that as I was typing.
wow, your girlfriend’s hot!
huhu grrr stampa stampa
sigh. i forgot that your commenting thing doesn’t let me format my comments. add some italics or quotes and a break to my previous comment d:
ohh that kind of direction sense.
I thought you meant that your life direction and her life direction matched. n
Well thenn
Congrats! I know that I have never met you, but you seem like a great “catch,” who certainly deserves someone special.
And her direction sense is about on par with mine.oh dear… d: