Universal Basic Income as the Social Vaccine of the 21st Century — Basic income — Medium

A total of $32 million was spent by the United States over a 10-year period in the global campaign to eradicate smallpox. The entire $32 million has been recouped every 2 months since 1971 by saving the costs of the smallpox vaccine, administration, medical care, quarantine and other costs. According to General Accounting Office (GAO)… Continue reading Universal Basic Income as the Social Vaccine of the 21st Century — Basic income — Medium

Universal Basic Income as the Social Vaccine of the 21st Century — Basic income — Medium

We estimate that the United States invested approximately US dollars 35 billion in polio vaccines between 1955 and 2005… The historical and future investments translate into over 1.7 billion vaccinations that prevent approximately 1.1 million cases of paralytic polio and over 160,000 deaths. Due to treatment cost savings, the investment implies net benefits of approximately… Continue reading Universal Basic Income as the Social Vaccine of the 21st Century — Basic income — Medium

President Obama’s Speech in Selma — Medium

And yet, what could be more American than what happened in this place?What could more profoundly vindicate the idea of America than plain and humble people –- unsung, the downtrodden, the dreamers not of high station, not born to wealth or privilege, not of one religious tradition but many, coming together to shape their country’s… Continue reading President Obama’s Speech in Selma — Medium

Post-Election Exoskeletons

Since the 8 November 2016, I’ve basically abandoned social media. All the major media sites (Facebook, Twitter) have revealed themselves to be pools of despair and angst. I’ve been thinking a lot about what comes next. So much of the country’s reaction to this election is the sheer shock of what happened. This time, the… Continue reading Post-Election Exoskeletons

SrcML.NET Roadmap

At ABB Corporate Research, we use SrcML.NET to perform lightweight code analysis for a variety of tasks ranging from experimentation to powering tools. It hasn’t seen too many updates recently. In this post, I’m going to lay out what we’d like to do with SrcML.NET. Each task will get a github issue. The tasks will… Continue reading SrcML.NET Roadmap

Thoughts on Community from ATO2015

What makes a health community? What are examples of healthy communities? What features can we lift from successful communities for our own teams and projects?

All Things Open 2015

This is the third year that I’ve had the pleasure of attending All Things Open in Raleigh, NC. The conference has gotten bigger every year. This year there were 1,700 attendees across thirteen tracks. The tracks cover a variety of technical topics ranging from JavaScript/web development to big data, to community management. I haven’t previously… Continue reading All Things Open 2015