I’ve made it a whole two days doing this. Yesterday? The first day. Today? The second. Tomorrow, we surmise, will be the 3rd day. I’m afraid that at some point I’ll simply run out of things to say. That “other side” I’m supposed to break out to? What if there’s nothing there. On the one… Continue reading yell yell yell
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Bloomsbury.com – Writer’s almanac scplugin.tigris.org SVN plugin for osx finder User Interface Design For Programmers DTD Mapper via The Man In Blue /* Position Is Everything */ Powered by del.icio.us
Plan of Attack
I semi-recently finished reading Plan of Attack by Bob Woodward. The book saw considerable news coverage by the media. Woodward seems to enjoy an odd position with both the media and presidential administrations. He has a keen, multifaceted eye. He sees a story from multiple points of view. And, while, he doesn’t seem to take… Continue reading Plan of Attack
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Project Gutenberg National Map Viewer FreeGIS Free mapping software and data Wiki Books Public Knowledge technology and copyright advocacy group Powered by del.icio.us
The Scripps National Spelling Bee has just kicked off. There’s an AP story on it. In 1992 I placed 92nd.
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isbndb.com – free ISBN database frontline: the way the music died | PBS iSync without .Mac Running Apple’s Backup Without a .Mac Account Powered by del.icio.us
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MLA – Guide to Writing Research Papers Powered by del.icio.us
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weather via RSS MacWarriors TrailBlazer not really a full-featured browser – more of a history search tool. Listamatic: Listamatic: one list, many options RSS in Government Mac OS X: Apple Software Design Guidelines NOAA – National Weather Service – RSS feeds Powered by del.icio.us
I can’t Update
If my (few) readers hadn’t noticed, I haven’t updated in a while. The biggest thing to happen recently were the phd qualifying exams that Eldan mentioned. They were grueling. They were tough. And now, I’m totally burned out. That’s not good, because I have stuff to do. Alas, all I want to do is sleep.… Continue reading I can’t Update
Inside look at Powell Junior
The Accidental Arbiter is a CSM article about FCC Chairman Michael Powell. Powell is the son of Colin Powell. CSM gives an excellent look at the junior Powell, and some of the controversial decisions he’s made. I rather like these off-kilter looks at some of the people in the current administration. I’m going to keep… Continue reading Inside look at Powell Junior