I’ve got an appropriate apple-related rant, which involves me yelling about data loss and the like – but I’m saving that for a special day (or, at least, a day that’s not this one).

Anyway, today I thought I’d give you a list of software that rocks my socks! This list is pretty useless to anybody not using a Mac. Anyway, it’s a list of really cool software!

  1. GeekTool. Jose pointed me at GeekTool a while ago, and it’s one of the greatest things ever! Currently, I’ve got it displaying outputs from random unix commands on my desktop. It’s handy! and really cool looking!
  2. Desktop Manager. I found Desktop Manager through the Darwin Ports Tree. It gives you multiple desktops in OSX. And it does it in a manner that one could only call “snazzy.” It doesn’t alter the operating system at all, so if it starts acting all fooey (which it apparently does – as the author calls it alpha software) , you can simply turn it off. Stanek has been playing with Space, which also looks pretty snazzy. I’ll have to give it a try sometime.
  3. SideTrack. SideTrack is a replacement mouse driver for Apple laptops. It gives you side scrolling and corner taps. I’ve got it working with both Exposé and the Desktop Manager – the top two corners trigger Exposé, and the bottom two cycle through desktops!
  4. X-Tunes. X-Tunes lets you bring up a simple translucent controller for iTunes. You use a key combination to bring up the controller, and then use a few simple key commands to do things like control the volume, change track, or stop/play.
  5. Markdown. Markdown isn’t OS specific – it’s a text-to-HTML plugin for blogs. I’m using it with Blosxom. One of the nicest things about it is that it seamlessly lets you drop back to HTML when you feel like it. This is the first entry I’m writing using Markdown.

I figured that since I’m using all this great freeware, I should at least give a nice plug for the authors. So, I did!

I’ve had a few to drink – so, I’m in a fairly charitable mood. Unfortunately, when in one of these “charitable” moods, I really don’t have any othe recourse but to miss people. Said people are coming to visit next week – that makes me happy. It’s actually the highlight of my semester.

It’s sad that I have to get moderately drunk (2 screwdrivers – try it with Absolut Vanilla – it’s like an orange creamsicle, 1 glass of wine, 3 beers) before I feel anything. I guess it bothers me that to say, “person A makes me happy” takes several drinks.

Well, I had fun playing Chez Geek is really fun. I ended up playing a few rounds of that with Big Geoff and Trygve. It was a good time. I may have to pick up Chez Geek (from Cheapass Games) – they’re really good. I’m pondering placing an order from them).

Also, Scooby Doo, Where Are You? is a great tv show.

Salon recently published an opinion piece on recent happenings in the Pentagon Office of Special Plans (OSP). The author is a newly retired USAF lieutenant colonel, who worked in the OSP from May 2002 to February 2003

Salon is making the article free to viewers, because they “thought this story was just too important.” Indeed, the article is particularly damning of the administration, and well-known officials in the OSP.

Unfortunately, the article is published on Salon – and not as a news story, but as an opinion piece. I’d guess this is because no editor worth his salt (or, for that matter, integrity) would be willing to publish the article as genuine news. This is not to say that the story is not accurate, it may very well be. Unfortunately, it is the point of view of one person who is clearly biased, and published on a site with a similar bias (the article starts with an “editor’s note” that welcomes MoveOn.org members).

There was an article in The New Yorker recently that mentioned that one of the problems with journalism today is that journalists are less likely to seek out independent confirmation of their sources, and would likely publish a story based on a single source of information (The allegation is actually from Andrew Card, Bush’s chief of staff – in an article entitled “Fortress Bush,” from 19 January 2004).

If anything fits the title of ill-researched, this Salon article does – nothing the author says is verified via a third party. I find that a little annoying. Granted, the article is an opinion piece (and is labelled as such), but it’s not presented as one.

This isn’t the only article that smacks of this however. Media coverage of Haiti was similarly bad. News coverage continually repeated the same thing over and over again: “Aristide was a democratically elected leader who the administration allowed to be ousted” (with the clear subtext that Aristide was therefore popular). Not being familiar with Haiti’s history, I had to do a fair bit of hunting around to find more information than that: For instance, Aristide was a catholic priest. He was forced to resign, in part, because he was an outspoken advocate of class warfare in Haiti. He has also been accused of corruption (either allowing it, or outright supporting it).

This is not to say that Aristide was a complete bastard – an interview on NPR noted that he was apparently extremely popular with the poor. My complaint is that none of these nuances are being presented in the media. We’re given a one dimensional view of an issue (sometimes, if it’s a hot topic, 2) and left to digest that. This is insulting – either the reader doesn’t have the mental acuity to process multiple streams of information, or the journalists are too lazy to seek them out. Neither is good.

Waiting for the bus today, I was reminded of my third grade teacher. At the time (in third grade, not waiting for the bus), I was living in Miami (Florida) and attending St. Joseph’s Catholic School.

Anywho, I only have a few strong memories of my 3rd grade teacher. On the first, she had a thing for a particular time of day: 11:11 (AM or PM, though AM was the only one applicable to us). We’d take a one minute break everyday at 11:11. The second was that my best friend and I were totally the teacher’s pets. Thirdly, she got hit by a car.

We had a substitute teacher for the latter half of my third grade year (Mrs. Bell, who was really old, hard of hearing, and bit slow on the uptake if I recall correctly). Right. We saw a picture of Miss Summers a week or two after she’d been in the hospital. In the picture (which was apparently taken shortly after the accident) she was crying. We learned that she wasn’t crying due to pain, but because her tear ducts were damaged by shards of her windshield.

So, I’ve always carried around this image of someone crying, but oddly knowing that it wasn’t a symptom of what had happened to her.

Upon finally boarding the bus, I realized that several years later, my friend Alex (the aforementioned partner in teacher’s petness) lost his brother to a drunk driver. We’d already moved several hours north, but we drove down to console them. It hit their father especially hard, since he was a police officer. I don’t think they ever caught the guy.

Of course, it’s hard to forget that my own mother got hit by a car. The three together make kind of an interesting line on a graph. Like, as I get older, a new person gets hit by a car – and they’re always closer to me than the last person.

I’ve got a stack of papers currently sitting on my desk:

  • Renfro R. and Deckro R. A Social NetWork Analysis of the Iranian Government. 69th MORS Symposium.
  • Wu F. et al. Information Flow in Social Groups. CNLS conference on Networks (Santa Fe, NM, May 2003).
  • Newman, M.E.J. Fast Algorithm for detecting community structure in networks. Department of Physics and Center for the Study of Complex Systems, University of Michigan.
  • Union of Concerned Scientists. Scientific Integrity in Policymaking. February 2004.
  • Record, J. Bounding the global war on terrorism. Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College.