if i don’t laugh i’ll cry

I can’t sleep again. I’ve also, again, been following the news with an almost hawk-like intensity. It varies by week — some, I’ll stay far away. Others, I’ll be glued to it like a junky. Except, I think, that election news may be worse for your health. I don’t like where this country is headed,… Continue reading if i don’t laugh i’ll cry

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little things

A few weeks ago, I picked up some flannel sheets at Bed Bath & Beyond on clearance ($25!). It was a total impulse buy (shutup. There’s nothing wrong with impulse buys at BB&B). I put them on my bed yesterday, and they’re absolutely wonderful. I lost part of my homework assignment and had to redo… Continue reading little things

Categorized as Journal Tagged

canvassing for kerry

I went canvassing for John Kerry this weekend. It was ok, except for the fact that it was rainy, no one was home, and I met a republican (who was very nice, just… not a swing voter — which, he was supposed to be). That, and the whole thing was completely disorganized: we had an… Continue reading canvassing for kerry

Women’s Rights in Swaziland

A Brutal Sexual Assault Galvanizes Swazi Women. An 18 year old girl was beaten and raped, for “wearing a miniskirt.” The attack has caused outrage, marches, and calls for legal action among the normally second-class-citizen Swazi women. There have also been calls to make “public indecency” illegal. This law would “ban the wearing of anything… Continue reading Women’s Rights in Swaziland

reading list (reborn!)

I used to have a giant reading list that I was constantly updating. For every book that I read, I’d add between 5 and 10 (it was a very long list). Unfortunately, in the Great Harddrive Crash of ’04, I lost the list (among other things, like my photos, and possibly my mind). I thought,… Continue reading reading list (reborn!)