Those who can’t do… teach!

Well, that’s not true. I can do math (we hope). Late last year, I was asked to teach the university’s discrete mathematics course! I’m excited. I get a slew of students, a teaching assistant, and pay (mm. more ramen). I picked up a highly recommended book on teaching that I’ve been tearing through. I’ve been… Continue reading Those who can’t do… teach!

Katrina Timeline

Katrina Timeline. Think Progress has an excellent Katrina timeline, with citations. It’s been a strange few weeks. The beginning of fall is, seemingly, a time for tragedy. The only difference this year is that the tragedy isn’t personal in nature. I alternate between being grateful, and feeling a little guilty for it.

26 and counting

It’s been a busy week. So far, I’ve gotten official notification that I’ve passed the qualifier (thanks for the comments!) and I’ve turned 26. That may not seem like a lot, but it sure feels like it. I spent so much time studying for the qualifier, that it feels weird to not be pushing towards… Continue reading 26 and counting

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I passed! I passed! I passed! I passed!

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Hit with a Stick!

Stanek hit me with the stick You’re stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be? If I was a book, and I wanted to not get burned to a crisp, I’d probably be Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? God. Really, it’s too many… Continue reading Hit with a Stick!

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Unbeknownst to my loyal readers, I’ve recently been dividing my life into two epochs: B.Q. and A.Q. I’ve passed through the time Before the Qualifier. I did a lot of studying, a lot of worrying, and lot of complaining. I may have recited the litany against fear, but only because I raced through the first… Continue reading A.Q.

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good weekend, long week

I had an excellent weekend, but now I’ve a long week ahead of me. My qualifiers are in exactly 1 week. Still, I had an excellent time at a wedding in Philadelphia. One of my oldest friends, Bryan, got married. So, while I’d like to post many, many photos and give y’all a nice long… Continue reading good weekend, long week

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mostly sleepy

Quite often, I catch myself sitting and thinking, “I’m tired.” This isn’t good, as I know I haven’t been working as hard as I should be. I know what kind of material I have to cover and by when. In other areas, I think I’m actually doing pretty well. My research (such as it is)… Continue reading mostly sleepy

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