
REM has always been there when I’m feeling under the weather. And (relatively more recently), I’ve added Counting Crows to that list. Now, suddenly, I’m listening to showtunes. Go figure.

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Good Stuff

I’ve got an appropriate apple-related rant, which involves me yelling about data loss and the like – but I’m saving that for a special day (or, at least, a day that’s not this one). Anyway, today I thought I’d give you a list of software that rocks my socks! This list is pretty useless to… Continue reading Good Stuff

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I’ve had a few to drink – so, I’m in a fairly charitable mood. Unfortunately, when in one of these “charitable” moods, I really don’t have any othe recourse but to miss people. Said people are coming to visit next week – that makes me happy. It’s actually the highlight of my semester. It’s sad… Continue reading drunk!

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and people wonder why I’m single

Apparently my idea of an action-packed saturday night is watching Law & Order: SVU reruns, and reading Roe v. Wade. Yee haw.

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The Charmed themesong is a cover of “How Soon is now?” by The Smiths. I’m not sure why I’m amused by that, but I am.

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She’s angry! and.. um. Staneky? err

This is what I like to call a shameless plug: You should all go read Angry Stanek! Because it’s Becky! and she’s Angry (hence, the title)!

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I’d have to say that I really like Inuyasha. It’s great. And on Cartoon Network. It’s got a really great story line.

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