that’s the breaks

tomorrow, I’ll update about my bike being stolen and me getting it back. That, really, is the highlight of my week. In the meantime, I’m going to sleep – and hope I don’t start gibbering like an idiot.

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T+13 and counting

I took the Myers Briggs Test over at, and was surprised at the results. Basically, Extrovert & Introvert were 50%, and the tie between the two is broken randomly – I read that to mean I’m either both of the following, or either is likely (maybe it depends on what side of the bed… Continue reading T+13 and counting

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Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas, my gentle readers! I hope Christmas is as restful for y’all as it is for me!

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I just found “Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Total Body Workout” on Apple iTunes. It’s basically an Arnold work out tape, where he exhorts you to “concentrate on that tricep,” “squeeze! crunch! crunch,” “and make your thighs burn!” to such classics as “Don’t Stop Believin’,” “867-5309,” “Let Your Body Rock,” and (my personal favorite) “It’s Raining Men.” Luckily,… Continue reading exercise

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Demosthenes (but male!)

About every other week I realize I know about 1% of everything I want to know, and I’ve been to about 1% of all the places I’d like to go. On occasions such as these, I ponder dropping everything I’m doing and becoming a wandering historian. Except, I probably don’t have anything to say but… Continue reading Demosthenes (but male!)

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eggnog? automobile? beverage!

I was in Heinen’s today doing some grocery shopping, when my eye was caught by a plain looking bottle of eggnog. I stopped to look at it, when a passing employee said, “That’s really good eggnog! If you ask me, it’s the Posrche of eggnogs! Though his statement didn’t include a hyperlink, I couldn’t help… Continue reading eggnog? automobile? beverage!

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400 meters

My todo list did get done. I had a duplicate on my whiteboard. Things got crossed off there. Incidentally, I think they all went well. Now, there’s new stuff on the list, but things aren’t so rushed. I’m still a little worried about 1 class – I did well on the final, but there’s still… Continue reading 400 meters

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The End (well, sortof)

The semester ended yesterday. Everyone seems to be glad of that. I’d have to agree – this semester has been pure hell in some respects. I got a lot of work done, though – and hopefully next semester will be a little calmer. We kicked off the end of the semester with a party at… Continue reading The End (well, sortof)

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Last Mile – A Todo List

This week is busy. Thursday – EECS 423 Final Project Friday – EECS 431 Final Project Report Friday – EECS 428 Final Exam I think I’ll simply cross items off the list as they get finished.

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