The semester ended yesterday. Everyone seems to be glad of that. I’d have to agree – this semester has been pure hell in some respects. I got a lot of work done, though – and hopefully next semester will be a little calmer.
We kicked off the end of the semester with a party at nein09‘s. I got really drunk, and passed out on her futon (funny, that). It was a good time – I needed to unwind (boy howdy, did I need to unwind).
Tomorrow, I need to do some cleaning and some grading and some work. I guess the semester isn’t over, really, but most of the big deadlines have passed. As E mentioned hearing that the first semester is the toughest: I hope so too. I feel mashed for want of a better word.
God, I’m rambling. I was thinking of starting a support group: “Remaining Grad Students Together.” It would involve coffee, and beer, and work, and cinnamon rolls.
It seems like there’s only time for so much, and if I had one extra day, I’d have time for it all – all the little zany ideas I have that never seem to get started, the instrument sitting in the corner, the writing wandering around my head, reading.