Angela Ahrendts on Positivity

The world is moving fast. Unless I can come in in the morning and smile, walk in the lobby and say, ‘Good morning!’–if I am stressed–I am not going to do a good job. — Apple’s Angela Ahrendts (from Can Apple’s Angela Ahrendts Spark A Retail Revolution?)

Two Day Priority Overnight

So, I clearly haven’t blogged in forever. What better way to start than by complaining about multinational corporations? I mailed my passport in to get a business visa via FedEx Priority Overnight. Apparently, “overnight” means “two days.” They’re at a loss to explain why my passport had to visit Memphis twice, and why it ended… Continue reading Two Day Priority Overnight

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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3 questions! fake post!

3 questions from rms10: What’s the best book you’ve read recently? I actually read a lot of good books in 2006. I think my favorite would have to be either The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy or My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk (I actually just finished Snow, and it was good,… Continue reading 3 questions! fake post!

this comic made my day I’m sure I’ve got friends who’s job I know nothing about, so, if you’re interested, let me know what you do (for instance, a large number of you are getting PhDs: what the hell is your thesis about?)

Categorized as Journal

Those who can’t do… teach!

Well, that’s not true. I can do math (we hope). Late last year, I was asked to teach the university’s discrete mathematics course! I’m excited. I get a slew of students, a teaching assistant, and pay (mm. more ramen). I picked up a highly recommended book on teaching that I’ve been tearing through. I’ve been… Continue reading Those who can’t do… teach!