My todo list did get done. I had a duplicate on my whiteboard. Things got crossed off there.

Incidentally, I think they all went well. Now, there’s new stuff on the list, but things aren’t so rushed.

I’m still a little worried about 1 class – I did well on the final, but there’s still a project left.

The semester ended yesterday. Everyone seems to be glad of that. I’d have to agree – this semester has been pure hell in some respects. I got a lot of work done, though – and hopefully next semester will be a little calmer.

We kicked off the end of the semester with a party at nein09‘s. I got really drunk, and passed out on her futon (funny, that). It was a good time – I needed to unwind (boy howdy, did I need to unwind).

Tomorrow, I need to do some cleaning and some grading and some work. I guess the semester isn’t over, really, but most of the big deadlines have passed. As E mentioned hearing that the first semester is the toughest: I hope so too. I feel mashed for want of a better word.

God, I’m rambling. I was thinking of starting a support group: “Remaining Grad Students Together.” It would involve coffee, and beer, and work, and cinnamon rolls.

It seems like there’s only time for so much, and if I had one extra day, I’d have time for it all – all the little zany ideas I have that never seem to get started, the instrument sitting in the corner, the writing wandering around my head, reading.

Last time, I mentioned Child’s Play over at Penny Arcade. After talking it over with a few people, I thought I’d try to drum up a donation from friends and family.

Basically, I’m hoping to get 10-15 people together and have each of us donate maybe $10 each (or more, or less!). If we do that, we can afford something like a gamecube & game, or even just a large collection of smaller stuff.

So, if interested parties were to e-mail me, so I could gauge interest, I think we could help out in a big way.

So, e-mail me! or leave comments!

I’ve been listening to “The Confrontation” from Les Misérables.

Listen to me! There is something I must do.
This woman leaves behind a suffering child.
There is none but me who can intercede,
In Mercy’s name, three days are all I need.
Then I’ll return, I pledge my word.
Then I’ll return…

Men like me can never change
Men like you can never change
No, 24601,
My duty’s to the law

Of all the songs, that’s one of my favorites (there are others, to be sure – this one just sticks in my mind a lot). It’s mostly the confrontation (fancy that) between their two wills. Like… they’re both right – Javert can do only what is doing, and it’s what leads to his death. “Men like me can never change.”

I wonder if the law is required to think that men can’t change? If it’s something that’s necessary for it to function? “You have no rights. Come with me 24601.

Why am I listening to this at 3:45 AM? I have no idea.

So, I’ve been sitting here doing work for my networks class almost since I got up. I’m a little tired of it, but I’m making progress, so while it’s not what I’d prefer to be doing on a saturday afternoon, it’s doable.

I’m doing most of my work on my laptop, and occasionally I use my FreeBSD box to do some lookups and such.

Well, after a while the screensaver on aforementiond freebsd box kicks in (it’s set to random, so it’s always a little surprising. This time, it starts typing “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.”

Over and over again.

I think my computer is trying to tell me something.

It’s really late, and what am I doing? wondering why that extra date is sitting up at the top. I have a good idea, but I that doesn’t help me with the “how to make it go away.

Well, I’m going to shower, because that will wake me up. And then I’m going to read some papers and stare at some source code. And then? I’m going to think intelligent (well, sort of) thoughts. And listen to REM. (incidentally, this is a great way to test links – I really am a tool).